Saturday, August 31, 2019

Affirmative Action Racism And Discrimination Essay

America is called â€Å"the land of opportunity† however, most of the countries citizens are not able to enjoy the benefits that the title provides. Being able to accomplish scholastic goals, attend a four-year college, and to have an influential career, are not obtainable for many, even though they work hard. Our nation has long been plagued by an ugly occurrence. An occurrence that finds its origins at the very core of our society. It is a problem familiar in some ways to all of us regardless of which side of the argument we find ourselves, and yet it remains unsolved. To verify that a problem exists, as Beverly, Tatum explains, we must first understand, racism as a system of advantage based on race, and white privilege as unjust enrichment through racial oppression,(Tatum,pg 10, 115). Next we must look at the steps taken to level the playing field of advanced racial groups. In America racism and discrimination is a cruel reality. For centuries now, local, state, and federal governments have been proactive in protecting or expanding the system of racial discrimination. White government officials and programs have often favored the racial and political-economic interests of white Americans. Government programs historically provided much access to homesteading land and numerous other valuable resources exclusively to white Americans (Feagin, 2010, p. 143). In an affords toward concern for equality, Affirmative action was created. It was designed to counteract the effect that discriminatory practices have embedded in the American culture. Affirmative action refers to policies that take factors including â€Å"race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, or national origin† into consideration in order to benefit an under represented group â€Å"in areas of employment, education, and business†, usually justified as countering the effects o f a history of discrimination. The term â€Å"affirmative action† was first used in the United States in Executive Order 10925 and was signed by President John F. Kennedy on 6 March 1961; it was used to promote actions that achieve non-discrimination. In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson enacted Executive Order 11246 which required government employers to take â€Å"affirmative action† to hire without regard to race, religion and national origin. In 1968, gender was added to the anti-discrimination list. A lively debate with sparks flying within racial group exists over the importance of the Affirmative action process. Some would argue that affirmative action undeservingly rewards minorities, and takes away from whites in effect causing reverse discrimination. Not long ago, Senator Bob Dole, a Republican presidential candidate, spoke in a television interview of â€Å"displaced† white men who compete with black workers because of affirmative action. He said that he was not sure that â€Å"people in America† (he meant â€Å"whites†) should be paying a price for discrimination that occurred â€Å"before they were born†. (Feagin, 2010, p. 15). Taking this evidence into consideration, should this influence the direction taken regarding affirmative action? University of California Regent Ward Connerly believes that affirmative action is used as a crutch that is ruining the relationship between blacks and whites. If this were true, would this be a good reason to halt government involvement in affirmative action programs? Would people identify these issues and take steps to make changes? Historically this has not been the case. Affirmative action programs have been successful in making social change. Minorities that have previously been excluded from opportunities have been afforded opportunities to achieve through affirmative action programs. Initially, affirmative action was a policy primarily aimed at correcting institutional discrimination where decisions, policies and procedures that are not necessarily explicitly discriminatory have had a negative impact on people of color. Affirmative action policies address and redress systematic economic and political discrimination against any group of people that are underrepresented or have a history of being discriminated against in particular institutions. Beneficiaries of these programs have included white men and women, people with disabilities, and poor working class people, but their primary emphasis has been on addressing racial discrimination (Kivel, P) If our goal is to eradicate discriminatory practices, then our government must continue to mandate legislation, and fund programs to address these issues. Following this conclusion it is clear to see that all evidence supports the benefits of affirmative action. What we have before us is a society with the possibility to make great strides in regards to changing the system of inequality. It is important that government lead in the direction that supports affirmative action programs. Government needs to see this as the biggest problem on their social agenda, and it will take a significant effort to mandate change, but the benefit for everyone will be extraordinary. References Feagin, J. (2010). Racist America Roots, Current Realities, and Future Reparations New York: Routledge Press. Tatum, Beverly Daniel. (2003). †Why Are All the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria? New York: Basic Books. Executive Order 11246. (2012, July 2). In Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia. Retrieved 17:23, October 30, 2012, from Montgomery, A. (2000, march 27). A â€Å"poison† divides us,, Kivel, P. (1997, November,17) Affirmative Action Works! Motion Magazine

Friday, August 30, 2019

Exploring Qualitative and Quantitative Research Essay

In psychology, answers to our questions are not as succinct as in other types of sciences, and the findings essentially depend upon the underlying epistemology used. This essay seeks to define and examine the fields of qualitative and quantitative research. It will address the different epistemologies and methodologies of each paradigm, and aim to give you a brief overview of the two main research methods underlying scientific knowledge. Qualitative research is often only defined in contrast to Quantitative research; That is, it does not involve statistics, nor does it depend on the level of objectivity that characterises the quantitative approach. While quantitative research aims to categorise participants in numerical form by creating statistical models to answer specific hypothesises; Qualitative research does not start with a specific hypothesis, instead it seeks to understand behaviours, and experiences (McQueen & Knussen, 2013, p.422). Qualitative researchers tend to operate un der different epistemological beliefs than that of quantitative researchers. Unlike quantitative researchers who use fixed instruments with little flexibility, Qualitative researchers allow questions to emanate and reshape themselves as the research unfolds (Krauss, 2005, p. 759). The qualitative researcher is engaged in the world they investigate, creating an unstructured and reflective element to the research, where the researchers’ knowledge, emotive interactions, and past experiences all form a part of the research (Ponterotto, 2010, p.583). According to Guba and Lincoln (as cited in Ponterotto, 2005, p.128) there are four main research paradigms: postpositivism, constructivism-interpretivism and the critical-ideological and positivism perspective. Of these four paradigms, positivism is solely adopted in the quantitative approach, whereas the three remaining paradigms are utilised in the qualitative approach (Ponterotto, 2010, p.581). Postpositivism is based on critical realism, and uses traditional qualitative methods, in as quantifiable manner as is possible. Postpositivists believe that although there is a reality independent of  human consciousness, one can never truly capture an objective view of this reality (Ponterotto, 2005, p.129). Postpositivists maintain that although the researcher may have some influence on the research, the maintenance of objectivity remains crucial in the research process (Ponterotto, 2005, p.131). Whilst the postpositive paradigm adopts a modified dualist/objectivist approach, the constructivism-interpretivism paradigm is based on relativism. Constructivists consider reality to be experienced differently by each individual, as opposed to being an external and singular reality. (Ponterotto, 2005, p.129). Ponterotto (2005) considers the constructivist paradigm as transactional and subjective, making the interaction between the researcher and participant cardinal in capturing the â€Å"lived experience†; with the researcher and participant, together, construct the findings from their interactions (Pont erotto, 2005, p.129-131). Like constructivists, the criticalists conclude that reality is constructed within a social-historical context, the difference being, that criticalists conceive reality through power relations and use their research to understand victims of oppression and seek to uncover structures of power (Ponterotto, 2005, p.130-131). The researcher’s values play a key role, as participant empowerment and emancipation are the researcher’s goal. Relationships between researchers and participants are subjective and transactional with the relationship being dialectic in nature (Ponterotto, 2005, p.130-131). In contrast to the qualitative paradigms, the main feature of quantitative research is that it mirrors the natural sciences by adopting a positivist approach which is dualist and objective in nature. Positivism assumes the hypothetico-deductive method, that is, researchers start out with a research question and hypothesis, and then formulate a way of measuring or proving it (Ponterotto, 2005, p.128). Ponterotto (2005) further states that the aim of quantitative research is the prediction, and control of variables that can be expressed as mathematical formulas to determine functional relationships. These differing ontological approaches bring to pass differing methodological approaches. Methodology re fers to the processes and procedures of the research. Research methods used include observation, interviews, focus groups, surveys, case studies, questionnaires and analysis of text (Ponterotto, 2005, p.132). Observational research is non-experimental research where a researcher observes ongoing behaviour. It  can be unstructured, semi-structured, structured, participant or non-participant (Wellington& Szczerbinski, 2007, p.80). Some limitations to this type of research are language and cultural barriers as well as the risk of observer bias, with one of the advantages being that the researcher gains access to information they normally wouldn’t have. Observation is typically used in qualitative research, but can be used in quantitative research prior to designing questionnaires (Wellington& Szczerbinski, 2007, p.80). As with observation, interviews and focus groups can be structured, semi-structured and unstructured, and can use photographs, notes, videos and tape recordings to improve data quality. Interviewing allows the researcher to guide and prompt things that we cannot observe, it also allows us to get an understanding of the participant’s account of the phenomenon (W ellington& Szczerbinski, 2007, p.86). Some limitations can be the use of vague questions, and excessive prompting and questioning by the interviewer, which can distort the quality of data. Interviewing is typically utilised in qualitative research, but can be used in quantitative research using closed ended questions (Wellington& Szczerbinski, 2007, p.86). Another form of methodology is that of Case studies which are an in depth observations of a single subject, or a small group of individuals. Case studies are deemed useful in trying to understand complex psychological phenomenon that either are not well understood or cannot be replicated experimentally (Burton, Westen, & Kowalski, 2012 p.55). Two concerns of using this methodology is observer bias and generalisability due to the small sample size, however, this can be overcome by using a multi-case-study method. This methodology is typically used in qualitative research, however, can also be used in quantitative research (Burton, Westen, & Kowalski, 2012 p.55). As with case studies, questionnaires and surveys are a form of descriptive research. It involves questions about behaviours and beliefs using a larger sample size (Wellington& Szczerbinski, 2007, p.96). One limitation is the lack of interpretive opportunity, and unintended systemic bias. Surveys and questionnaires are largely used in quantitative research using close ended questions, but can be used in qualitative research using open ended questions. (Wellington& Szczerbinski, 2007, p.96). The main difference between the fields of study emerge when we look at the methodologies of data analysis. Frost (2011) identifies four main methods of data analysis in  qualitative research, these are grounded theory, interpretive phenomenology (IPA), discourse analysis, and narrative analysis. Grounded theory entails creating categories and themes and then conducting comparative analysis to generate hypothesis. IPA analyses data by endeavouring to make sense of the participant’s experiences by coding reoccurring patterns and meanings throughout the text. Discourse analysis involves analysing and deconstructing spoken, written, or any significant semiotic event and assigning meaning to it. Narrative analysis focuses on the way people use stories to interpret and give mean ing to the world and provides a useful way for the researcher to explore and describe realities (Frost, 2011, p. 19-94). Two other forms of methodology commonly used, but not discussed here, are ethnography and action research. (McQueen & Knussen, 2013, pp.430-433). Conversely, the core concepts of quantitative research are generalizability, reliability, objective measurement, and validity, coupled with three types of research methods including correlational designs, experimental designs, and descriptive designs (VanderStoep & Johnson, 2008 pp.91-108). Whereas correlation and descriptive designs involves identifying the relationship between two variables, experimental designs allow researchers to make claims of casual inference, which looks at which variable is the cause and which is the effect (VanderStoep & Johnson, 2008 pp.91-108). Quantitative data is analysed using statistical analysis which is made up of descriptive and inferential statistics, and include the, T-test, correlation, standard deviation, mode, mean, and median and chi-square (VanderStoep & Johnson, 2008 pp47-100). In summary, qualita tive and quantitative research methods have a lot to offer in psychological research, but with every research approach there are strengths and weaknesses. Whilst some theorists argue that psychological research can be distorted by subjectivity, others argue that not all human behaviour and thinking is always strictly logical. Whilst qualitative methods are more time consuming and harder to carry out, they emphasise validity and data quality; and while quantitative methods are often thought of as rigid and providing limited data, it ensures reliability (Hayes, 2000 pp. 169-170). It can be seen from the above discussion that different research questions, require different research approaches. Susan O’Neill (1999) conducted a qualitative case study to examine facets of a women’s personality and  subjectivity in her interpretation of living with OCD. The research was conducted in two semi-structured interviews. In the first interview the participant was asked to tell her story about living with OCD. A discursive analysis was then conducted on the narrative and presented to her in the second interview; she was then asked to analyse her reactions to the analysis and provide further clarifications, which identified different aspects of personality of OCD sufferers not previously identified. This study demonstrates the value of using reflexive interviews in order to get a deeper understanding of the participant. In contrast, a study conducted by Porche et al. (2012) in which cognitive performance was tested in methadone patients would not be suitable for qualitative methods. This research utilised tasks to measure psychomotor performance, memory, attention and executive function. Due to the nature of the research and measurement tools used, it would only be suitable to undertake this research as quantitative. In conclusion psychological researchers should clearly understand the study’s purpose and goals before looking at methodology and paradigms to ensure they use a paradigm suitable for the research goal or even consider using mixed research designs. It is also important to understand that the quality of the research is anchored to the correct use or combination of research paradigms, which ultimately should complement and support the research goal (Ponterotto, 2005, p.132). References Burton, L., Westen, D., & Kowalski, R. (2012). Psychology: 3rd Australian and New Zealand edition. Brisbane: John Wiley & Sons. Frost, N. (2011). Qualitative research methods in psychology: Combining core approaches. Retrieved from Hayes, N. (2000). Doing psychological research. Buckingham: Open University Press. Krauss, S. E. (2005). Research paradigms and meaning making: A primer. The Qualitative Report, 10(4), 758-770. Retrieved from McQueen, R. A., & Knussen, C. (2013). Introduction to research methods and statistics in psychology: A practical guide for the undergraduate researcher (2nd ed.). Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. O’neill, S. (1999). Living with obsessive-compulsive disorder: A case study of a woman’s construction of self. Counselling Psychology Quarterly 12(1) 73-86. doi: 10.1080/09515079908254079 Ponterotto, J. G. (2002). Qualitative research methods: The fifth force in psychology. The Counseling Psychologist, 30(3) 394-406. doi: 10.1177/0011000002303002 Ponterotto, J. G. (2005). Qualitative research in counseling psychology: A primer on research paradigms and philosophy of science. Journal of Counseling Psychology 52(2), 126-136. doi:10.1037/0022-0167.52.2.126 Ponterotto, J. G. (2010). Qualitative research in multicultural psychology: Philosophical underpinnings, popular approaches, and ethical considerations. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 16(4), 581-58. doi:10.1037/a0012051 Porche, H. K., Umbricht, A., Klevkamp, B. A., Vandrey, R., Strain, E. C., Bigelow, G. E., & Mintzer, M. Z. (2012). Comparison of cognitive performance in methadone maintenance patients with and without current cocaine dependence. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 124 (1-2) 167-171. doi: 10.1016/j.drugalcdep.2011.12.009 Wellington, J. & Szczerbinski, M. (2007). Research methods for the social sciences. Retrieved from VanderStoep, S.W., &Johnson, D. D. (2008). Research methods for everyday life: blending qualitative and quantitative approaches. Retrieved from

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Cultural Dimensions of Two Countries

According to Geert Hofstede there five dimensions of culture. The five dimensions are Power Distance, Individualism or Collectivism, Masculinity-Femininity, Uncertainty Avoidance, and Short or Long-Term Orientation. Power Distance The dimension of Power Distance is the attitude toward the inequalities amongst individuals in a society. Power Distance is â€Å"the extent to which the less powerful members of institutions and organizations with a country expect and accept that power is distributed unequally† (Hofstede). Trinidad scores low in power distance with a 47 (Hofstede).Individuals in Trinidad tend to be very independent. The hierarchy present is merely for convenience. There are equal rights for all. Superiors are very accessible and coaching. Management facilitates and empowers the individual. Power is decentralized. Managers rely on the experience of team members and individuals expect to be consulted. Relationships between managers and employees is informal and genera lly on a first name basis. The United States also scores low in power distance with a 40. The US also has equal rights, a hierarchy for convenience only, accessible managers, and informal communication.Individualism Individualism is â€Å"the degree of interdependence a society maintains among its members† (Hofstede). It is whether an individual views their self-image as â€Å"We† or â€Å"I†. A society that is Individualistic, its members look after themselves and their direct family only. Trinidad scores low in the dimension of Individualism with a 16 (Hofstede). It is a collectivist society. Its members have close long-term commitments and strong relationships. Relationships between employers and employees are seen in moral terms. Hiring and promotions take into account the employees of the group.Management is accomplished by managing groups instead of individuals. The United States is a very individualistic culture. The US scores 91 in this dimension. People look after themselves and their immediate family (Hofstede). Individuals are expected to be self-reliant and display initiative. Hiring and promotions are merit based. Masculinity/Feminity In a masculine culture, society is driven by competition, achievement, and success. Successful individuals are considered to be the winners or the best in their field. A feminine culture has cares for others. The quality of an individual’s life is a sign of success.Being different is not a trait that is admired. Trinidad, with a score of 58 is a masculine culture (Hofstede). Management is decisive and assertive. Competition and equality is stressed. Conflicts are resolved by fighting it out. The United States is also considered a masculine culture with a score of 62 (Hofstede). In the US, people tend to talk about their successes and achievements. The goal is always to win. Conflicts are resolved individually. Uncertainty Avoidance Uncertainty Avoidance is how a society reacts to the fact the future is not known. Different cultures deal with the anxiety that this can bring.The people of Trinidad prefer to avoid uncertainty and score a 55 (Hofstede). They have strong beliefs and expectations for behavior. The Trinidad culture is not accepting of beliefs and behaviors that are outside the norm. The people are very precise, punctual, hard working, and busy. Their culture is very resistant to innovation. The US scores a 46 and is uncertainty accepting (Hofstede). In the US, new ideas and products are welcomed. Individuals are open to trying new ideas and technology. The culture does not require many rules. People in the US do not express their emotions are openly.Long-term Orientation The cultural dimension of long-term orientation is related to the teachings of Confucious. It deals with a cultures search for virtue. A society with a high score in long-term orientation has a future oriented view. A society with a low score has a short-term point of view. Trinidad has no score in this dimension. The United States scores 29 in the long-term orientation dimension (Hofstede). It has a short-term point of view. Its people focus on tradition. American business measure their success with financial statements issued quarterly. Individuals work for fast results.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Location, Location, Location Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Location, Location, Location - Essay Example Once the business starts, that money can be spent on other income-increasing investments. The next important advantage is the tax advantages in the form of reduced AMT (Doosan Global Finance, 2008). However, there are disadvantages too. First of all, leasing gives no ownership, and hence, returning the product or upgrading the product as one wishes will not be easy. Even if the thing goes into disuse, it will not be possible to dispose off the same, and till the termination of the contract, one will have to pay according to it. The second point is that when the expenditure over a long period is considered, it will cost more than actually owning the property. However, considering the low initial cost, possibility of open credit sources, chances of relocation and modification, it is wise to have property leased of owned (The top 10 reasons, 2012). The very first advice for the friend is to have the mobile home as office instead of building a permanent structure. This is so because not building a permanent structure at this beginning stage has financial advantages. First of all, the cost is spread over a number of years, and this, undoubtedly, helps in controlling the problem of cash flow. In addition, if the decision is to use the mobile home instead of permanent structure, it is easy to get the best location as there is no extra expenditure involved. Another problem is the issue of undercapitalizing. Here, one has to remember the fact that many businesses face failure because of undercapitalizing the business. This takes place because they spend the money on not so important investment. Doing this, especially when there is uncertainty regarding future cash flow, is disastrous. What is required is the strategy of staging investment. In the first stage, the business should not invest in building a permanent structure. In fact, there are a number of benefits as associated with not constructing a permanent structure, especially in accounting terms. They are: it

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Commercial banks in Saudi Arabia Dissertation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Commercial banks in Saudi Arabia - Dissertation Example However, besides improvement of an economy, it is very important that commercial banks must look into their internal aspects and ensure fulfilment of their own objectives that is to achieve profitability that is the foremost and basic objective of every commercial organization around the globe. In this regard, while commercial banks play an imperative role in a country’s economy, they put efforts to ensure their own sustainability, as well as environmental sustainability that subsequently results in their own profitability. In this regard, there exist various determining factors that decide profitability of banking institutions, especially commercial banking organizations and it is important to analyze such factors. Significance In particular, it is an observation since the period of recession, a huge number of banking organizations are confronting problems in ensuring their profitability, and thus, outcomes of the proposed research will be effective in understanding different factors that play a crucial role in ensuring profitability in commercial banks. In addition, results of the proposed research will enable banking students to acquire a critical perspective of different processes of commercial banking that cause success or failure in terms of profitability, and therefore, understanding of the proposed research’s outcomes will be very significant in eliminating any adverse factors from the processes. At the same time, it will allow the potential bankers to give significance to factors that play a noteworthy role in guaranteeing profitability in the commercial banking industry. Research Objectives Before carrying out research, it is very imperative that the researcher ensures clarified understanding of aims and objectives, as it is an observation that vague objectives often result in unproductive outcomes, and thus, the research proposal will now include aims and objectives of the proposed research: Identify and examine different internal and e xternal factors that play a crucial role in affecting the profitability of commercial banking organizations Scrutinize the extent of impact of such factors in different banking processes Study the effects of identified factors in the case study of a commercial banking organization in Saudi Arabia Identify and recommend strategies that may ensure positive impact of studied factors on profitability of commercial banks, specifically, in the corporate culture of Saudi Arabia Research Statement In this regard, the researcher will focus on the following research statement to fulfill the aims and objectives of the research: â€Å"To identify and analyze the factors that affect profitability of commercial banks, specifically, in Saudi Arabia† LITERATURE REVIEW Commercial banks are a key aspect in the financial growth as well as stability of nations. They are the main providers of funding for development ventures, credit and services for business dealings. They as well have an effect on money supply within the financial system through lending practices. Commercial banks in Saudia have shown record financial performance during the last five years, along with impressive economic development. The challenge for banking industry is to launch inventive ways in its functions leading to better financial

Monday, August 26, 2019

World View Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

World View - Essay Example As the paper highlights hunger and starvation are other issues that plague countries considered third world. These growing problems may not be unraveled any time soon, and that is the gnawing reality that people have to deal with. This paper will examine the world’s current status, and the difference that might exist if society changed for the better. The current financial crisis that is affecting countries around the world is an issue that a handful of people may not be familiar with. This is especially people who consider themselves members of the first world countries, and who enjoy the fact that other countries have to work to pay off their debts. It is sad, but the truth is; the world may be working to feed families that run the biggest corporations in the world. There are also wars being fought that may not necessarily make sense to most people, but due to fear and mistrust, they allow the wars to go on, and even help in funding these wars. This is the situation facing some regions in the world, which have to put up with knowing that they can do or say little to run or manage their affairs. This is despite being sovereign nations. This study stresses that seeing the debts of some of the nations or countries that owe debts to the first world nations being forgiven would be a nice start. First world continents might not even need some of the money owed in the first place. Moreover, the world would be a much nicer place if bigger, more powerful nations would stop interfering in the affairs of other countries. They need to handle their affairs as best as they can, and if it is something worth handling, world organizations are in place to do that. The cessation of mindless killing would also work toward improving relations between people in the world. It may help in fostering relationships that promote togetherness and unity.  

Industrial Relation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Industrial Relation - Essay Example The findings of this research will provide insight about recruitment and related human resource practices that are largely influenced by internal as well as external factors. The internal factors affecting recruitment in Qantas include the recruitment polices of the company, its Human resource staffing plans, cost incurred in hiring an employee, the organizational culture, compensation packages, growth rate of a company, future plans and finally the size of operations of the organization. The internal factors assume considerable importance not only in recruitment policies but also in retaining the employees. Internal factors affecting employee retention include job satisfaction, effective compensation and reward system, benefits and a proper work culture. These aspects lead to job satisfaction and employee motivation thereby leading to organizational efficiency. External factors affecting recruitment and employee retention involve governmental regulations and legislations including l abor laws. In addition to this factor other important external factors include socio economic climate of a region, the job market and the nature of talent available in an area, aspect of demand and supply of skilled labor force, rate of unemployment in the society and finally the perceived image of the job seekers in the market. These external aspects in turn have affected internal factors as business profitability has declined. The summation of these effects has led to growing tensions between workers and the management with regards to human resource policies. ... The internal factors assume considerable importance not only in recruitment policies but also in retaining the employees. Internal factors affecting employee retention include job satisfaction, effective compensation and reward system, benefits and a proper work culture. These aspects lead to job satisfaction and employee motivation thereby leading to organizational efficiency (Hennig-Thurau & Hansen, 2000, p.161). External factors affecting recruitment and employee retention involve governmental regulations and legislations including labor laws. In addition to this factor other important external factors include socio economic climate of a region, the job market and the nature of talent available in an area, aspect of demand and supply of skilled labor force, rate of unemployment in the society and finally the perceived image of the job seekers in the market (Geet & Deshpande, 2008, p.5.4). All these factors hold immense importance for ensuring long term organizational efficiency of an organization. In case of Qantas the company management is facing considerable internal as well as external issues. As per the extracts from the interview with the company’s CEO the firm is faced with a high competition and turbulence in the internal environment such as rising oil cots, advent of low cost carriers and the stiff competition on international routes by state sponsored carriers like Emirates. These external aspects in turn have affected internal factors as business profitability has declined. The summation of these effects has led to growing tensions between workers and the management with regards to human resource policies. IR Issues and Challenges Australia

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Modern states in the Middle East are the product of colonial violence Essay

Modern states in the Middle East are the product of colonial violence. Discuss with reference to two countries in the region - Essay Example The earlier caliphate and later empires and sultanates were the political factors that unified Muslims before colonialism (Khadduri 1951, p. 11). Colonialism is to blame for the rise in the ‘nation-state’. This is majorly because the colonizers used arbitrary and ad hoc means to create nation-states that were only meant to serve some of their particular interests. Good examples to explain this concept are how Kuwait, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Jordan were created. Kuwait was created as a result of the interest that the British had in the oil that was present in the Persian Gulf. Lebanon, on the other hand, was carved out of Syria to create a state that was friendly to Arab Christians. In the case of Jordan, it was created as a present to King Abdullah for the assistance he offered to the British during the 1st World War (Khalil 1990, p. 54). The manner in which most of these territories were being re-carved led to increased tensions that were centered on the territorial, l inguistic and ethnic differences that existed among Muslims previously. With this in mind, it is correct to point out that modern states in the Middle East are a product of colonial violence. This paper will discuss this notion with a focus on how Iraq and Syria were created as a result of colonial violence. ... From that day, Iraq was referred to as the â€Å"State of Iraq†. The state was to begin operating like an independent state because it was forced to break away from the ties that it had with the rest of the Middle East. The British went ahead and brought King Faisal, who was a Hashemite, to be the ruler of the new established State of Iraq. The French, who were the colonial masters in Syria, had forced Faisal out of Syria (Omissi 1990, p. 2). The British went further and appointed elites from the Sunni Arab people to head major government authorities and ministries. In 1932, Iraq was granted independence by the British after long persuasions by King Faisal. The British, however, did not give up the military bases or the transit rights for their troops. King Faisal died a year later, in 1933, and was succeeded by King Ghazi. During King Ghazi’s time, military coups were the order of the day. He eventually died in 1939 and was succeeded by his underage son (Tripp 2002, p. 28). Syria, on the other hand, has a unique history because some of its sections between 1098 and 1189 AD were under the Germans, Italians, English and French. This was mostly during the crusades that characterized that period. Previously, the region that is today Syria was under army of the Arab Rashidun in 640 AD (Batatu 1999, p. 21). After the period of the crusades, Syria was taken over by the Ottoman Empire in 1516. The French came in later in 1920 and established an independent Kingdom known as the Kingdom of Syria. The Kingdom which did not last for long was under the leadership of Faisal 1 who belonged to the Hashemite family. The Battle of Maysalun is blamed for the short existence of the Kingdom of Syria which only lasted a

Saturday, August 24, 2019

In an age of heightened threats to national security, it should be Essay - 1

In an age of heightened threats to national security, it should be open to the Government to detain suspected terrorists for an indefinite period of time withou - Essay Example However, the blurring of the distinction between the need to legislate for immigration on the one hand and protection from terrorism on the other is further perpetuated by the patchwork of piecemeal immigration legislation in the UK. On the other side of the legal spectrum, the implementation of the Human Rights Act in 1998 (HRA) enshrines the fundamental rights and freedoms of the European Convention on Human Rights into UK law. From an immigration policy perspective, the most important rights relied on in immigration cases have been the Article 5 right, which prohibits detention without trial and the right not to be subjected to degrading treatment under Article 3. Additionally, Article 14 guarantees rights under the ECHR. However, on the other side of the spectrum it has been submitted that the heightened threat to national security necessarily renders it permissible for Governments to detain suspects for an indefinite period of time without charge or trial. Conversely, it has been argued that whilst sufficient measures for national security protection are vital, absolute executive autonomy over detention of suspects without trial or charge clearly raises constitutional issues and human rights issues. Indeed on the one hand, the fundamental freedoms under Article 5 of the ECHR in respect of detention are essential to the function of the UK as a democracy. On the other hand, the reliance on the ECHR rights through the HRA 1998 arguably undermines immigration rules and legislation, which enables the UK immigration system to be exploited vis-à  -vis asylum seekers in international conventions1. However, it is precisely this paradox within the law that enables the changing Governmental policy from circumventing both entrenched immigration and asylum rules and human rights protection on grounds of â€Å"national security†2. This is particularly evidenced by the implementation of the controversial Anti-Terrorism, Crime and Security Act 2001 (ACTSA),

Friday, August 23, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of GMO Cotton Essay

Advantages and Disadvantages of GMO Cotton - Essay Example The countries that we know for producing GM cotton are the USA and India although the product also has production in China, Argentina, Australia, Mexico, South Africa, among others. The major advantage of genetically modified cotton is that the plant is resistant to insect pests. More than 68% of the genetically modified cotton in China produces a substance that helps it to become resistant to insect pests. It is known as "Bacillus thurengiensis" toxin. There are a few problematic pests such as caterpillars that bore the cotton itself thus hard to fight. The European Union is yet to approve submissions made for the growth and use of modified cotton. There are problems that farmers in India are experiencing as the Bt toxin failed to work. The Bt cotton yields declined significantly as secondary pests invaded the cotton. The trouble led to the use of more pesticides on the plant plus the price for the cotton seeds went up by a large number.   Scientists suggest that the Bt cotton pro duces a number of beneficial insects which help the small-scale farmers in the production of cotton. China was the leading country in the study of the benefits of having genetically modified cotton. The toxin that is used is lethal to the bollworm that is usually a major problem for the cotton growers. There is a significant decline in the use of insecticides because of the reduction in the bollworm pest. The reduction in the number of pests means that the cotton produced in good health increases.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Balanced Scorecard Essay Example for Free

Balanced Scorecard Essay Rivalry amongst competing firms – Apple is in the unique situation that it has its own proprietary operating system and only used by Apple. So although the competition is fierce for customers, it is a different type of battle for Apple than for others such as Samsung, Google or Microsoft. Apple does face stiff competition but it is in the battle for use-case preference. The Android or Windows OS is different than the Apple iOS and consumers make a choice as to which road they are going to go down. Apple is competing for winning this important thought process and decision-making process. They are not competing on hardware alone because Apple alone produces their products with their OS. The competition will continue for easily the foreseeable future, 10 years and beyond, as the world becomes more digitized. Force: Moderate Potential Entry of New Competitors – The barriers to entry in this industry are steep. Cost of production is very high for new entrants until significant economies of scale are reached. Over the next 10 years there will be many new entrants into the industry though either brand new, or companies already in similar technology markets that will branch out into markets that compete with Apple. Again, that would be a competition for OS preference, not hardware per se. There is always the possibility of an entirely new and 4th, or more, operating systems being developed as technology advances. Moore’s Law tells us this is likely but difficult to ascertain from where it will come, whether it will be significantly better than any existing, and if it will gain wide user acceptance. Force: Weak to Moderate Potential Development of substitute products – Again, since Apple has its own exclusive OS, substitute products are only a threat as being other choices of entirely different OS’s from Microsoft or Android producers, or any other possible future OS development. But Apple does not have any substitute for its own products. Force: Weak Bargaining Power of Buyers – Apple users tend to stay Apple users. Their loyalty is strong and they love Apple products. Apple charges a premium for its products but the image and allure of Apple products and their perceived high quality keep unit sales strong. Although technology economies of scale have certainly been reached in Apple production, they have continued to keep their products priced higher that competing products. Buyer choice based on price alone should affect growth amongst some new customer segments, but will have little effect on the current loyal Apple user base. Unless their products begin to lose some of their luster and appeal and effectiveness, they should remain strong for the future. Force: Weak Bargaining Power of Suppliers – With Apple’s exclusive product line and OS and the relatively small number of products, they are not threatened by supplier power. Apple can easily find factories more than willing to be a part of the Apple supply chain. As their products gain more market share and production increases, Apple is in an ideal situation to manage their suppliers effectively.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Educational Paradigms Essay Example for Free

Educational Paradigms Essay Paradigms are ways of thinking or getting things done. As time passes and new concepts evolve, the way things are being done or implemented begin to undergo significant changes. Paradigms are continually shifting and this is unavoidable. For example, prior to the beginning of the information age, education could only be achieved by physically seeking admission and going through manual registration processes before one could be considered a student. The situation has changed today. Most of these processes may now be achieved online, as is the case with American Intercontinental University (AIU). A new educational paradigm has been ushered in as a result of technological advancements (Riegle, n. d. ). Which paradigm best describes your current learning organizational environment? Why? Provide an example. The ideal paradigm is the one that favours the emergence of standard practices, improved methodologies, and a range of resources that help to establish benchmarks and develop instructional strategies that give students the opportunity to learn properly and reap the benefits of education optimally. American Intercontinental University (AIU) provides an online educational system that offers increased accessibility to students from the convenience of their homes. This is accomplished through the use of up-to-date technological devices, software programs, internet connection, and computers. Since technology has turned the world into a global village, the educational paradigm is gradually shifting from the use of traditional classrooms to an online learning system. This learning platform has necessitated the need for an interactive method of learning to supplement the lecture materials, sample essays and the numerous resources that are made available to students to facilitate their learning process. For example, Instructional strategies that involve the use of chat rooms, discussion groups, emails, forums or message boards are employed to achieve learning. How does your organizational paradigm affect your assessments and measurement of student learning? AIU strives to balance learning strategies by adopting principles of various learning theories and applying them to instructional design and students’ assessment. The University presents materials to students in formats that they can easily understand, usually in the form of video, audio, presentations, and other related methods. Measurement of student learning is achieved through the evaluation of students’ participation in group activities, discussion groups, learning teams, chat rooms, and ability to use concept maps, mnemonics or organizers to reflect their knowledge of concepts. This is in support of the Cognitivism theory which states that it is important to understand how the human mind works so that we can understand how students learn (Learning Theories Knowledgebase, 2008). Assessment of learning is also done by giving students home work, assignments or group projects so that they can learn through their own activities and personal experiences. This is a very important paradigm at AIU since most of the learning activities take place online. Students are encouraged to learn through simulation, exploration and active participation in message boards and various projects assigned to them. This method of assessment is in agreement with the constructivism theory which states that knowledge is imbibed through active participation and engagement of the learner. The theory asserts that for knowledge to be retained, it is important to link new concepts with familiar concepts (Learning Theories Knowledgebase, 2008). On a personal level, which paradigm do you feel most represents your own views of education and assessment? Even though technology has its numerous benefits and offers students various opportunities of convenience and ease of use, traditional learning methods should also be sustained because each style of learning has its own benefits. It’s important to maximize the advantages of each learning style so that optimal results may be achieved. In consonance with the theory of behaviorism, good performance should always be rewarded with praise, awards or any other form of recognition to encourage the students, while the undesired behavior (bad performance) may be rewarded by holding back such rewards (Learning Theories Knowledgebase, 2008). This ensures that individual performances in learning are immediately observed and weak points are focused on for possible improvement. By balancing the learning theories and employing the use of best practices in administering lectures to students, learning can indeed become an enhanced and exciting experience. References Learning Theories Knowledgebase. (2008). Index of Learning Theories and Models. Retrieved September 25, 2008 from http://www. learning-theories. com Riegle, R. P. (n. d. ). Educational Paradigms. Visionary Leadership for the Information Age. Retrieved September 26 from http://people. coe. ilstu. edu/rpriegle/wwwdocs/paradigm/welcome. htm

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

What Is Effective Production Management Commerce Essay

What Is Effective Production Management Commerce Essay To begin with, effective production management is impossible without scientific management. Scientific management is a part of the cycles production management at the operational level. It should be based on scientific achievements and best practices to ensure increasing productivity and preserving human health. It is important to mention that an American engineer Frederick Winslow Taylor was the first scientific engineer, who used and formalized scientific management and highlighted its four principles. Milton (1957) stated that Taylor was an innovator and an entrepreneur in his field, and he had more than his share of emulators, rivals, and disciples (p. 23). According to Finn Borum (1980), Frederick Taylor worked on promoting efficiency in manufacturing enterprises around the turn of the century (p. 288). Scientific management is a process of improving the labor organization based on scientific achievements and excellence. Scientific management is the labor organization based on modern scientific achievements and best practices, which were systematically introduced into the workplace. Scientific management allows combining technology and people in the labor process. In addition to the above-mentioned information, scientific management can be characterized as An approach within classical management theory that emphasizes the scientific study of work methods in order to improve worker efficiency (Bartol and Martin, 1998, p. 41). Scientific managements implementation saves time and is an important growth factor productivity of living labor. The importance and value of scientific management is that it allows you to save hard work as a result of better use of the productions material elements. Moreover, the importance of scientific management to organizations is also that it solves the problems of wasted human effort and promotes efficiency and effectiveness in the workplace. And, finally, the improvement of labor organization gives an opportunity to save future labor by taking into account the requirements of scientific management on the stage of companies, equipment and processes design. George (1968) said that Taylors work had importance in ways directly germane to operations research. His contributions, great as they were intrinsically, were even more valuable in revealing the merit of creating elements of organization whose object was not the performance of operations, but their analysis: It is difficult t o overemphasize the importance of this first basic step: the formation of organizations for research on operationshis work led to better decisions than those which were possible, and in most cases, necessary before (pp. 151-152). Scientific management plays an important role in solving the problems of improving production efficiency and improves product quality. The main directions of scientific management are: Improvement of forms of division and cooperation of labor in enterprises; Improvement of the workplaces organization and maintenance; Rationalization of techniques and methods of work; Improvement of work quota setting; Preparation and training the workforce; Improvement of the working conditions; Rationalization of work and rest; Strengthening of labor discipline; Increase of employees creative activity. The main key characteristics of scientific management: scientific management calls for the scientific methods application to work in order to define the best method for solving each task. Scientific management admits that the employees should be scientifically chosen based on their professional qualifications and trained to carry out their work in the optimum manner. Scientific management aimed at addressing the following interrelated tasks: economic, psycho-physiological and social. The economic task deals with the equipments complete use, raw materials, and increase of labor productivity. The creation of favorable working environment, which is very important for the workers health, their working capacity is the solution of the psychophysiological task. The solution of the social task aimed at increasing satisfaction of the labors conditions and results. It should be noted that scientific management has a clearly defined set of the tasks. There is an interaction between scientific management and improvement of other elements of the organization of production. This is especially manifested in the organization of workplaces. The labor organization is associated with production of elements, such as equipment and technology. The labor organization affects the type and nature of production. The major components of scientific management are the division of labor and cooperation. The division of labor in the enterprise means an isolation of separate partial work processes to reduce the production cycle due to the simultaneous execution of various jobs and improvement of work productivity. It is important to mention that the organizers of production at the enterprises of the countries with developed market economies pay great attention to the reduction of manufacturing cycle time. This is due to the fact that the reduction of manufacturing cycle time is a central task of the organization and management of production, an indicator of the effectiveness of managerial work. The high level of specialization indicates production standards. The division of labor is impossible without its cooperation. The cooperations objective is to ensure coherence between the actions of individual employees or groups of employees performing a variety of work functions. The division of labor and cooperation are two interrelated and complementary aspects of production management. The division of labor can be technological, functional, qualifying and professional. The technological division of labor is divided into phases, types of work, products, sites that detail technological operations. It determines the placement of workers in accordance with production technology and greatly affects the level of works importance. An important task of a work organizator consists of finding the optimal level of the technological division of labor. The functional division of labor depends on nature of staff functions in production and their participation in the production process. According to this criterion, workers are divided into workers and employees. Employees are divided into leaders, professionals and technical executors. In turn, the workers can be functional groups of main workers: service and support, groups of maintenance and transport workers: quality inspectors, working for energy services, etc. The qualifying division of labor divides into complexity and accuracy of work in accordance with professional knowledge and experience. The division of labor is carried out under the skill level of the employees. The professional division of labor divides into trades, professions, grades and categories. With the help of the above-stated principles and components of scientific management, it is possible to i ncrease specialization in production in order to accentuate worker rights in the shop floor. Sullivan admitted that This mass production model of shop-floor control depends on two key assumptions: a job is a precisely defined series of tasks; and seniority is the criterion for the allocation of jobs (1987, p. 96). In order to compare and contrast scientific management to more modern management approach, such as total quality management (TQM), it is possible to say that the difference between these two approaches is that the main idea of TQM is that the company should work not only on product quality, but also on work quality as a whole, including the staff work. The continual improvement of these three components is: quality, quality of process organization, and qualifications of staff can achieve more rapid and effective business development. Quality is defined by categories, such as a degree of implementation of customer requirements and growth in financial performance. But the main idea of scientific management is that labor organization is an integral part of the organization of production. The basis of scientific management is the division of labor, which involves the separation of major works from the subsidiary preparatory and ancillary works. These actions help to improve the usage of working time of skilled employees. It is possible to conclude that both management approaches are very important for all types of organizations and are the basis of modern management. Nowadays, scientific management plays a big role in the modern organizations process and it has a direct relevance to the modern business environment. A good example is McDonalds Corporation, one of the largest fast-food restaurants, which still applies the principles and basic standards of scientific management in its organizational process. McDonalds Corporation always tries to promote its workers through different practical and effective ways. For instance, McDonalds uses different types of promotion programs and competitive salaries. It takes many different forms from the thankful words to financial incentives or even to a wide recognition of Employee of the Month. In addition, Macdonalds applies the methods associated with a scientific study. Moreover, the company scientifically selects, trains, and develops each worker and employee. Seldon, Ingraham, and Jacobson (1999) write The selection process is one of the most critical human resource functions because it supplies persons with specific knowledge skills and abilities needed to perform public services. (p. 602). This is a strong tradition and an essential part of work for McDonalds to train its employees scientifically and practically. McDonalds puts into practice the third principle of scientific management and cooperates with its workers, teaching and helping them in every way. McDonalds divides work into equal parts between managers and employees. Every worker keeps his/her place and is occupied only with his/her job. In summary, it is possible to draw a conclusion that scientific management is a set of measures aimed at achieving the greatest results in the organization of production. Scientific managements implementation creates the conditions for health workers to maintain their efficiency, increase the period of their employment, growth, cultural and technical level of workers. Taylor, who is considered to be a father of scientific management, made a great contribution to the development of a new worldview. His disciple Carl Barth stated that My dream is that the time will come when every drill press will be speeded just so, and every planer, every lathe the world over will be harmonized just like musical pitches are the same all over the worldso that we can standardize and say that for drilling a 1-inch hole the world over will be done with the same speedThat dream will come true, some time (1914, p. 889). Modern scientific management consists of organizational, technical, psycho-physiological and techno-economic aspects of work organization and management.

UCTA law essay :: essays research papers

C. THE UNFAIR CONTRACT TERMS ACT 1977 The basic purpose of UCTA 1977 is to restrict the extent to which liability in a contract can be excluded for breach of contract and negligence, largely by reference to a reasonableness requirement, but in some cases by a specific prohibition. S.6(2) states that as against a person dealing as consumer, liability for breach of the obligations arising from ss.13, 14 or 15 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 (seller's implied undertakings as to conformity of goods with description or sample, or as to their quality or fitness for a particular purpose) cannot be excluded or restricted by reference to any contract term. Exclusion clauses subject to reasonableness S.6(3) states that as against a person dealing otherwise than as consumer liability for breach of the obligations arising from ss.13, 14 or 15 of the Sale of Goods Act 1979 can be excluded or restricted by reference to a contract term, but only in so far as the term satisfies the requirement of reasonableness. The Act gives the greatest protection to consumers. Under s12(1) (1) A party to a contract  ´deals as consumer ´ in relation to another party if - (a) he neither makes the contract in the course of a business nor holds himself out as doing so; and (b) the other party does make the contract in the course of a business; and (c) in the case of a contract governed by the law of sale of goods or hire-purchase, or by section 7 of this Act, the goods passing under or in pursuance of the contract are of a type ordinarily supplied for private use or consumption. (1A) But if the first party mentioned in subsection (1) is an individual paragraph (c) of that subsection must be ignored. Peter Symmons & Co v Cook [1981] 131 NLJ 758 R & B Customs Brokers v United Dominions Trust Ltd [1988] 1 WLR 321. Peter Symmons & Co v Cook (1981) 131 NLJ 758 The plaintiff firm of surveyors bought a second-hand Rolls Royce from the defendants which developed serious defects after 2,000. It was held that the firm was acting as a consumer and that to buy in the course of a business 'the buying of cars must form at the very least an integral part of the buyer's business or a necessary incidental thereto'. It was emphasised that only in those circumstances could the buyer be said to be on equal footing with his seller in terms of bargaining strength.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Decision-Making Models Essay -- Responsible Decision-Making Model

Decision-Making Models   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There are several decision-making models to choose from in any given situation. Some of these models available on the Internet are the Responsible Decision-Making Model, the Ethical Decision-Making Model, the Ethics Toolkit PLUS Model, the Vigilant Decision-Maker Process, and some basic ones as well. In general, all decision-making models are the processes we use to make well-thought out decisions. There are three major elements of all decision-making models. These three elements are: how are criteria determined, how are alternatives generated, and how are alternatives evaluated against criteria (Scholl, p. 1). In this paper, we will use the Responsible Decision-Making Model to explain how the process works to help us make better decisions. The Responsible Decision-Making Model   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Responsible Decision-Making Model is a Power Point presentation that was on the Internet (Scarbo, slides 1-18). There are six steps to this decision-making model. The first step is to clearly describe the situation either in writing or aloud. The second step is to list any possible solutions to the situation. The third step is to share the list of possible solutions with another responsible person because he or she may have other solutions to add to the list. The fourth step is to carefully evaluate each possible solution using the six criteria. We will look at these six criteria in the next paragraph. The fifth step is to make a final decision on which sol...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Reading and Censorship of the Harry Potter Novels Essay -- Argumentati

Reading and Censorship of the Harry Potter Novels J. K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, which have reached worldwide popularity have an effect on children has not been matched by any other book. The novels have encouraged children to read for entertainment instead of turning to television or video games. When a piece of literature inspires children as the Harry Potter novels do, limiting a child’s access to the novels seems ridiculous. Unfortunately, this is what is happening with Harry Potter. The books are challenged and banned in schools and libraries all over the world because parents contend that the content is unsuitable. The content, which revolves around a world full of wizardry and witchcraft, has some parents actively lobbying against the books. These parents believe the books encourage children to practice witchcraft. Additionally, some parents do not believe that the novels are an asset to the learning development of their children. For most children, Rowling’s Harry Potter novels encourage reading. N ot only do children read the massive novels in the series, but also they use the Harry Potter series as conduits to other types of literature because their minds are opened to the wonder of the written word. The novels do not advocate witchcraft or evil, which are often the grounds for censoring the novels from children. Different features of the Harry Potter series can influence children with both good and bad consequences. The most popular reasons for censoring Harry Potter is that the books are centered around a magical community. The plot revolves around Harry and his friends as they learn how to become wizards and witches at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Through Harry’s adventures, there are allu... ...ult.asp?Page=9-11-2003/FullStory/9_11_03.1st.8.htm.> Monk, John. â€Å"In Defense of Harry Potter.† 22 Oct. 1999. Kidspeak Online. 28 Oct. 2003. <>. Rosen, Judith. "Booksellers Help Harry Potter." Publishers Weekly. 12 May 2003. 250.19. Ebsco Academic Search Premier. 5 Sept 2003. <>. Routledge, Christopher. â€Å"Harry Potter and the Mystery of Ordinary Life.† Mystery in Children’s Literature: From the Rational to the Supernatural. Adrienne E. Gavin and Christopher Routledge, Eds. New York: Palgrave, 2001. Rowling, J. K. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. New York: Scholastic, 1999. "'The Chocolate War' Tops 2004 Most Challenged Book List." American Library Association. 2005. 29 March 2005. <>.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Demonstrative Communication Essay

â€Å"Communication is an exchange of information, verbal pr written message and is the process of sending and receiving message†. () With communication there must be a sender and a receiver for it to take place. In this paper I will provide examples how effective and ineffective demonstrative communication can be positive or negative on situations. Also I will explain how demonstrative communication involves listening and responding. Demonstrative communication is nonverbal and unwritten communication thought facial expression or body language. Effective ways for a sender and receiver to communicate in a demonstrative way would be to send the right message. Sender would want to make sure the receiver comprehends and understands the sender. For example Kinesics: â€Å"refers to the many behaviors of the body†() these would include posture, gestures, and facial expressions. To make a positive gesture one could give the sender two thumbs up letting them know they did a great job. Letting the sender know they understand the message. A negative gestures would be a frown or to raise an eyebrow. This would provide feedback to the sender letting them know you disagree. Effective communication is a two way street for the sender and receiver. Ineffective ways for sender and receiver to communicate would be if the sender was demanding or ordering the receiver for something, and persuading or lecturing them. For example, using words like â€Å"you must† this may make the receiver think you are being demanding and they may resent you. Lecturing the receiver is another negative way to communicate with them. This may cause them to feel like they are wrong. Hepatic is a powerful form of communication. This would include giving the sender a pat on the back letting them knows you understand and everything was great. A native communication result would be a slap in the face. This would lead to many problems. Demonstrative communication between the sender and receiver will be positive if the sender does not overload the receiver with to much information at one time. If the receiver provides active listening or reading, this will allow the receiver to engage in what the sender is trying to get across to them. Demonstrative communication can also be negative if the receiver has a lack of eye contact or crossing of the arms. Things like this tell the sender one may not be interested in their message they are trying to get across. Provide feedback is a part of responding and giving the sender insurances that you are listening and understood what was being said. With demonstrative communication for example, one can respond by providing feedback like, â€Å"What I’m hearing is†¦Ã¢â‚¬  This lets the sender know you are listening to the message.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Creative writing, Gothic

Briskly walking through the mysterious darkness of the menacing forest, grasping tightly my withering frozen hand, my petrified newly wed wife clung on for protection. It was pitch dark on a cold foggy night in the mid days of December. We were in search of somewhere to rest our staggering and lost bodies. My wife and I had been walking for miles through this never ending cursed old forest. Every step we made on the thin and almost transparent layer of snow had a sudden fall and we heard the snap, crackle and crumble of the lanky branches, crisp leaves ND woodlouse infested logs.Winter was killing the forest. The trees were hunched over and their dead beat bark was blistering under the harsh weight of the freezing bitter quilt which strained their aching ancient backs. A tunnel had been formed. It was as if they were frail, vile and disfigured old men with a dozen spindly limbs to wrap around each other for dear life. The barred branches resembled a prison in my eyes. This endless tu nnel was hiding us from the crucial light of the evil eye, the moon. There were gaps in the endless arch so as to let the descending snow slowly all on to the path we were destined to walk.Suddenly as If out of nothingness appeared a red eyed beast at the top of the wretched, steep hill we were attempting to scale. The wolf approached us with her steaming breath and her head low to the ground as if she was ready for the pounce. If we had run she would have reacted with great violence, so we kept our bodies and expressions as lifeless as a china doll. Her eyes were glowing Like a fire replenishing itself; the eyes of a burning demon. Her coat was as grey as the fog that surrounded s, the beast froze corpse still, silent and motionless.Frantically I dropped the limb and clambered up the rest of the steep hill. Was I dreaming? Supernatural or what!! Terribly frightened I ran on. How could this have happened? Sprinting down the other side of the hill where this terrible happening occurr ed, I tripped. It was not the Inconvenient obstacle of a root or a branch that brought me to fall but something else, something Invisible and evil. I plummeted, momentarily seeing the bloody detached leg of my Innocent wife. Falling ND rolling to where the two hills meet, centre of the haunted vale where the water runs deep and fierce.It was where I was to find the rest of my wife's limbless, battered body drained of blood by an evil split. A terror. I will avenge my poor darling wife Margarita's death. Creative writing, Gothic By thwarted Suddenly as if out of nothingness appeared a red eyed beast at the top of the expressions as lifeless as a china doll. Her eyes were glowing like a fire replenishing the deep fog was thickening. It came to the point were we were blind in that we could As the fog drifted on I noticed that we were no longer in the presence of the vicious wolf.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Outline for a mass communication written task Essay

In 2008 an attack ad, titled ‘Vote Different’ appeared on YouTube, persuading voters to vote for Barack Obama instead of Hillary Clinton in the primary elections. Without a doubt this ad influenced the way many voters voted. By making use of allusion and by borrowing from other texts, it successfully made voters vote differently. As a result Hillary Clinton lost in the primary elections to Barack Obama. The attack ad ‘vote different’ depicts a large group of prisoners, sitting in neat rows, watching a large screen. On the screen one sees Hillary Clinton talking about how she would like to listen to her audience and engage in a dialogue with them. Her words are very ironic, since the audience is not able to participate in the discussion. This is the first indication that we are meant to be critical of her words. Secondly, the camera switches to another woman, an athlete who has broken past the prison guards to enter the theatre where the prisoners sit. She is running with a sledgehammer. While all of the images are dark and grey, she seems to bear the only sign of color with her red shorts. On her shirt is the campaign logo of Barack Obama. She hurls the hammer towards the screen, resulting in a burst of light that seems to awaken the prisoners. Then a text reads, â€Å"On January 14th the Democratic primary will begin. And you’ll see why 2008 won’t be like ‘1984’.† Then the letter ‘O’ appears in the colors of Apple Macintosh’s old logo, along with the web address, What does this text mean, and how does it rely on  other texts to construct meaning? There are three layers to this text. The first layer can be understood in the context of 2008 and the primary elections. The text traveled as a viral, meaning it was a commercial that spread like a virus through social networks on the Internet. People who posted this video to their Facebook wall or sent it as a link in an e-mail to friends, all knew who Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama were. Her face and his logo needed no introduction. The irony of her words, the dark images of the prisoners and the symbol of the sledgehammer all indicated a sharp criticism of Clinton. One did not have to understand the final text to sense that this was a strong attack ad. It accused Clinton of not listening to her audience, and it praised Obama for helping them see ‘the light’. The second layer of this text can best be understood in the context of the Apple Macintosh ad that ran only once during the Super Bowl in 1984. The attack ad is in fact a ‘mash-up’ of the Macintosh ad, meaning that it is almost identical to the original ad, frame for frame, with a the exception of several manipulated images. Where the Apple logo once appeared on the shirt of the athletic woman, there is the logo of Organizing for America, Obama’s grassroots campaign team. Where a man’s face once appeared on the large screen, there is Hilary’s face. The text at the end of the Macintosh ad originally read, â€Å"On January 24th Apple Computer will introduce Macintosh. And you’ll see why 1984 won’t seem like ‘1984’.† Even if viewers of the Obama ad do not know about the significance of ‘1984’, they might know these references to the Macintosh ad. Since the ad only ran once, it created a great hype and sense of mystery. It promised to change the face of personal computing by literally and figuratively enlightening the masses. Comparing Obama’s campaign to the Apple brand, has an interesting effect on the reader in 2008. It is almost as if Obama is the new iPod: slick, stylish, personal and unique. He breaks with the establishment, Hillary Clinton, who could be compared to Microsoft or IBM, in the context of 1984. The third layer of context is perhaps the most important one to understanding the ads. Both ads allude to a scene from Nineteen Eighty-four, a novel by George Orwell. His novel is commonly understood as a criticism of autocratic government. The autocratic government in Orwell’s novel, Oceana, is ruled by a man whose face appears regularly on a large ‘telescreen’. His name is Big Brother. The Obama ad replaces Big Brother’s image from the Apple ad with Hillary  Clinton’s face, making a comparison and strong suggestion that she stands for autocratic rule, establishment and war. The effects of this on the audience in 2008 are quite persuasive and bold, influencing the way they vote in the primary election. At the time the attack ad ran in January of 2008, Hillary Clinton was ahead in the polls. Almost a week later, thanks to this ad and other influences, she began to lose points to Barack Obama (, 2008). While it is impossible to measure the exact effects of this ad in weakening her position, the ad’s implications are strong and persuasive. This viral video shows the power of mash ups and how the persuasive power of borrowing from other texts. Works cited Apple Computers. â€Å"YouTube – 1984 Apple’s Macintosh Commercial.† YouTube – Broadcast Yourself. Web. 22 Feb. 2011. ParkRidge47. â€Å"YouTube – Vote Different.† YouTube – Broadcast Yourself. Web. 22 Feb. 2011. . â€Å" – Political Surveys and Election Polls, Trends, Charts and Analysis.† Pollster. Web. 22 Feb. 2011.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Unique Person

If you just take short look at the people around you,you'll find a lot of cases that you can talk about their creativity or unique personality. But I want to break words about a man who defined unique personality in such a way that was not like other definitions of unique which people know. And I am proud of myself that I had such an honor to live and spend the best 4 years of my life with him. A man with creative mind,manly pride and high ambition in an ordinary appearance had reached the things which no one has ever thought he could.But He always took advantage of what he had and that made him a commander of 2 thousand soldiers ,master of explosion team and designer of military plans at the age of 19. After a while, he was recognized as one of the most skillful commanders in his army and lots of more things that I don't want to talk about due to the fact that it's not my main topic. I intend to describe his uniqueness in a way that his family and friends defined for me. Although he was suffering from some old wounds for years,he would always laugh and was thankful of god; because those scars and wounds were the recollection of his sweet memories.And two manifest features that made him remarkable for his family and friends were his patience and generosity which I have witnessed a lot and I can't deny. I decided to write down about a person who may not have been so creative or unique in others' opinion but had done a lot of good things for us. We somehow owe him and the people like him. Those people let us know that our fate is something you can never cheat but there are some ways to do so that you can change it in the way you like. So one thing that I can say for sure is that he succeeded in redeeming himself on those nights of redemption

Consumer law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Consumer law - Essay Example As a general rule, the goods sold must â€Å"meet the standard that a reasonable person would regards as satisfactory, taking into account any description of the goods, the price and all other relevant circumstances†.1 By quality of goods, the intent of the law is to include not only the appearance and finish of the goods but also their durability and safety. The sales of Goods Act of 1979 so provides that a seller must only sell goods that conforms to its description and the failure of the seller to meet the requirements of the standards set would result into a liability on the part of the seller. Note that even tiny defects that could have gone unnoticed both by the seller and the consumer at the time the goods were sold are considered as non-compliance to the standards of the goods sold and shall be considered as a ground to impose liability on the part of the seller, should the consumer demand for such. However, where the goods are sold as â€Å"shop-soiled† or as damaged goods and the seller openly declares such damage, the seller shall not be held liable for non-compliance with the standards of goods sold. The goods must therefore be as described2. Aside from the standard of goods sold which must be satisfied, the goods must be fit for its purpose. According to the Supply of Goods and Services Act of 1982, the goods must be fit for any particular purpose mentioned by the seller to the buyer. For instance, where the seller purports to sell a pair of climbing shoes, such climbing shoes should be fit for the purpose and will not break easily from the rigors of mountain climbing. Where the goods do not perform as the seller claims it would, then we can say that the goods does not match its description not just in its physical appearance but also in its capabilities. In our hypothetical case, Lil bought a pair of shoes from â€Å"tuffstuff† and wore them on a hill-walking holiday. By the end of the holiday, the shoes

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Threat of Economic Development in Ireland Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Threat of Economic Development in Ireland - Essay Example omic theory tells us to examine costs and benefits in order to determine whether resources are allocated in a manner that increases or decreases economic growth,† Adding further down in his commentary that, â€Å"Other forms of government spending have a less desirable impact on economic activity. If a program does not facilitate or encourage economic activity, or has only a small positive effect, then the aggregate impact on the economy will be negative because there are limited benefits – if any – to outweigh the costs. And if the program actually undermines work, saving, and investment or encourages misallocation of resources, then the overall adverse impact on economic growth will be particularly pronounced. A good example from recent events is federal flood insurance. Not only does the program require resources to be taxed or borrowed from the productive sector of the economy – with all the associated economic costs, but it also encourages over-buildi ng in flood zones, which leads to the destruction of wealth during natural disasters,† (Mitchell 10/25/2005). As it pertains to Irish environment, it can be determined that first a sense of which in environment is key in understanding the implications, positive or negative, that economic development will have on the said environment. When it comes to the political environment of a nation, economic development is important as it comes to progressive advancement. Any other environment can find itself hampered in one way or another by economic advancement because as was seen with the Industrial Revolution, which had great economic benefits even presently, the environment itself has suffered through greenhouse gases that have left the environment in continuously deteriorating health. According to the brief description provided within the article, Ireland is described as being the second richest nation within the European Union. As such, logical deduction would state that for a country to have reached that

Monday, August 12, 2019

Relative Theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Relative Theory - Essay Example earth-bound existence) – can be regarded as tenable. This gave rise to a controversy because in classical mechanics a free fall in a non-gravitational field is known as ‘inertial motion’, i.e. there is no external force applied on the object. But gravity is a force. Therefore, classical mechanics holds the view that ‘inertial objects moving through space cannot accelerate with respect to each other’. Now we come to the crux of the problem – how to reconcile the two seemingly incompatible theoretical postulates? Einstein next proposed an alternative theory in which he argued that the space-time continuum is curved. His subsequent field equations relate the curvature of space-time to the mass, energy and the momentum within it. Hence his famous equation: Now I will come to the point in the article. So called â€Å"Grandfather paradox† is directly related to the same â€Å"traveler-homebody† paradox here. Since space-time curvature as suggested by Einstein would allow us to solve the seemingly irreconcilable twin paradox presented in this article, it might be pertinent here to examine all probabilities of the theory. According to the Grandfather paradox a time traveler who goes back in time will be able to kill his biological grandfather before the latter meets the time traveler’s grandmother so that one of his parents might not be conceived. Logically, this means that he himself might not be born. Now comes the real paradox. Since the time traveler did not go back in time, his grandfather was not killed. Therefore one of his parents was born thus enabling him or her to meet the other. Finally, the time traveler was born. The homebody finds out to his amazement that his brother is now four years younger than him. The logical sequence of events should provide an equally logical outcome. Now let’s look at what the Doppler effect has to offer us by way of an explanation. According to the Doppler effect â€Å"waves that propagate in a

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Module 2 SLP Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Module 2 SLP - Coursework Example The clipboard need to uses Mckinsey 7s framework. The framework got its name from a consulting company, Mckinsey and company, which had conducted research and industry (Pascale & Athos, 1981; Peters &Waterman, 1982). The model identified seven variables which the authors called ‘levers’ all began with the letter ‘S’. The seven variables include structure, strategy, system, skills, style, staff and shared values. Other variables exist but the 7S are very important because they can neutralize the effects of other variables and external environment (Elson 2012). Structure is the skeleton of the organizational chart. Strategy is the plan or course of action used in allocating resources to achieve identified over time. The framework defined system as a routinized process and procedures followed within the organization. The staffs are the personnel who perform vary activities in the organization. The key managers are also important in the way they behave to achieve organizational goal. The behaviour of managers is termed as style. Shared value is the glue that binds all the other 6S in an organization. Shared value has a significant meaning or guiding concepts that organizational members share. Most companies believed that the variables consisted of soft variables and important variables. It doesn’t mean that the soft variables were less important. It only meant that the other variables must be considered first before the soft variables can be put into perspectives. The soft variables include; skills, style and shared values (Elson 2012). It is also believed that the soft variables can only affect decisions internally when the other variables (structure, strategy and the system) could affect decisions both internally and externally when dealing with marketing and sales strategy in the region. The 7S framework doesn’t mention the external environment because they believe that the strength and

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Vampires Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Vampires - Research Proposal Example I also participated in class debates where we discussed vampires with my classmates and tutor. I have also witnessed people who claim to be vampires. These experiences have not been able to address the origin and creation of vampires in details. As such, this research will teach me about the characteristics of real and psychic vampires as well as the origin and the process of creating a vampire. To achieve this, I am counting on my instructor and classmates’ support. Indeed, I am sure that my instructor has significant information about this topic having researched and taught this topic for a long time. Moreover, through the continued discussions about this topic, my classmates may have subtle information about vampires. Nevertheless, the information from my classmates will require undergoing verification. The topic about vampires is very general and addressing it will require huge resources and a lot of time. As such there was need to limit the research to the creation of vampires. To ensure that I use limited time on my research topic, I will seek resource materials that detail the origin and creation of vampires. I will also establish the risks that may limit the accuracy and relevance of my research. I will plan my research well and establish the relevant sources of information. I will also limit my research to real and modern vampires. I will rely on research reports from my professor, instructor, and the vampires’ museum. Ultimately, I will keep close consultations with my instructor for guidance and verification of my data. Ideally, vampires from different regions may have different characteristics. As such, I will limit my topic geographically by narrowing my research to vampires found in America. Nevertheless, various circumstances limit my research on this topic. Inde ed, it may be difficult to distinguish

Friday, August 9, 2019

Business Law - commercial Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Business Law - commercial - Research Paper Example This research will try to address the above issues as they apply in Qatar. A trademark is a legally protected word or symbol which possesses an identifying feature to a specific company, brand or an individual and it should be associated with that specific brand (Gader-Shafran, 2013). Pursuant to decree number 3/1978, Qatar law makers regulate the protection of industrial and trademarks. This law protects the service marks, trademarks, commercial names, group marks, indications of origin and source, registration procedures, marks that are not registrable, renewal of registration, protection period, the effects of registration, fees payable for infringing this law, the disclaiming of a trademark and the transference of property that indicates the penalties and offences that are peculiar to trademarks (Surachman, World Jurist Association, & Conference on the Law of the World, 1997). Trademarks influence the buying decisions of the consumers. It is therefore important for every corporate executive or business person to have a clear understanding of the importance of trademarks to effective and efficient commerce. Firstly, trademarks make consumers to easily find a business entity or corporate entity. This is through the distinguishing feature that a trademark has to the services and products a business has to those of competitors. This makes the consumers to appreciate the quality of the products and services one offers as they create awareness of the brand and goodwill embodied in the trademark. This cuts on the overall costs of promotion, advertising, sales efforts and marketing (Shilling, 2002). Secondly, prevent the confusion that market places create. A trademark protects consumers from confusion as to the origin of services and goods offered by a business entity. This helps consumers to return any defective products they may have bought because they know the source of the products. It also helps consumers

Ocean warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Ocean warming - Essay Example These recognized services of the ocean are required in sustaining the life support system in the earth, thus, the earth should have a healthy oceanic and coastal environment. Ocean warming is a threat to the health of the world ocean that is why ocean management strategies are to be properly implemented. These management strategies of marine ecosystem are not properly applied which result to the decreasing capacity of the ocean to store C02 secretion. The ocean is now suffering the severe consequences brought about by unmonitored secretion of C02 by human activities and one of this is ocean acidification (Feely, et al., 2006, pp.1-4). This is the result in too much giving up of C02 in the earth’s atmosphere which paved the way in the warming of the ocean. This paper’s aim is to get a clear idea on scientist’s suspicion about the warming of the ocean and its real scenario. Its main objective is to be able to know what exactly is ocean warming as well as to identify and assess changes that had led to this situation. Illustration and evidences are presented to have a clear picture on how C02 greatly affects the increased heating of the ocean. The environmental and social impact of changes in the ocean/atmosphere interaction will also be tackled. This is also design to inform the society of their share, a recommendation on what to do upon knowing that the ocean is warming. Global climate change is a very crucial issue especially with regard to the increasing of heat content of the world ocean and the raising of sea level. U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Administrator Dr. James Baker (2000) said, there â€Å"has been warming to a depth of nearly 10,000 feet in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans† (cited in Stevenson, n.d.). Ocean warming is considered to be a complex problem and is not a simple matter for scientists that are engrossed in

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Malcolm X and the United States' Civil Right Movement Term Paper

Malcolm X and the United States' Civil Right Movement - Term Paper Example Malcolm is considered as of the greatest and most influential black American in the history of America. At the age of twenty, Malcolm X was imprisoned where he joined Nation of Islam. After his parole in the year 1952, Malcolm rose to be one of the leaders of the Nation Muslims. Several years afterwards, he became a controversial figure in the public domain. However, disillusionment with Nation of Muslims in the year 1964 made him leave the nation match the same year. Later in 1964, he founded the African American unity organization and the Muslim Mosque, Inc. Malcolm believed that one day America would change in the way the whites treated the blacks. During his leadership tenure in the Nation Islam, Malcolm as the organization’s spokesperson, preached or taught black American supremacy and advocated for separation between the white and the black Americans. However, in his teachings, Malcolm contrasted the principles of civil right movement that emphasized on integration among Americans. Since 1952 when he joined the Nation of Islam until 1964 when he left the organization, Malcolm promoted the teachings of the Nation Islam (Walsh7). In his teachings, he emphasized that blacks were the original people of the entire world, and the white race belonged to the devils. In almost all of his speeches, he emphasized that the blacks or the white people were inferior to the black people, and the demise of the white people was imminent(Levy 98). Malcolm X immensely advocated for a complete separation of the African American from the white Americans, despite The Civil Right Movement’s fight against racial segregation. Malcolm had proposed separation of the black Americans to their own country. He considered the move as an interim measure that should be taken against the white until they could return to Africa (Cone 1). In addition, he rejected the nonviolence strategy that has put in play by the civil right movement. Instead, he advocated for self-defense amo ng the African Americans, and asked, them to use any necessary means and measures that were within their reach (Levy 99). His speeches were highly influential especially among the African American audients who lived in the western and northern cities. Notably, these groups were tired of the empty promises. They were ever being told to wait for justice, respect, freedom, and equality (Walsh 9). Therefore, the majority of African Americans felt that Malcolm was articulating their complaints and grievances in a better way than the strategies and moves that were being taken by civil right movement. Many of the white Americans among other blacks were perplexed with Malcolm’s ideals as well as the things he was saying. The Nation of Islam and Malcolm were later described as black supremacists, hatemongers, violence seekers and they were as well considered a threat to race relation improvement. The Civil rights organization afterwards dismissed the Nation of Islam and Malcolm becaus e of being irresponsible extremists where were not concerned with the welfare of the African Americans. Furthermore, Malcolm was accused of anti-Semitism (Cone 1). On the other hand, Malcolm equally criticized the civil right movement and described its leadership as a â€Å"stooge† that has been established by the whites. He as well described Martin Luther King, Jr. as being a â€Å"chump†. Additionally, he was opposed with the march that took place in 1963 and termed it "the farce on Washington". Malcolm claimed that he did not know why the black America

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

The life of James Derham Essay Example for Free

The life of James Derham Essay James Derham is identified as one among the ten most famous male nurses in the history of mankind (National Institute of Health). He is indeed termed as the first African-American to practice formal medicine in America despite the fact that he owned no M. D. degree. Derham was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania by a slavery couple (Kirschman). Being a slave, he was owned by many medical practitioners, one of whom was Dr.  Robert Love, who identified Derham unique potential and encouraged him to practice medicine. With permission for his master, Dr. Robert Love, Derham successfully worked as a nurse, managing to by his freedom from slavery in 1783 (Kirschman). Being a freeman, he went on to open a medical practice. It is estimated that at the age of 26, Derham was earning over $3,000 annually from his medical practice (National Institute of Health). This has been closely attributed to large patient pool he enjoy owing to his ability to speak various languages. He was fluent in speaking English, French, and Spanish languages. It is claimed that Derham once met with the father of American medicine, Dr. Benjamin Rush, with whose encouragement he moved to continue his medical practice in Philadelphia (Kirschman). In Philadelphia, Derham emerged as a medical expert mainly dealing with the treatment of throat and climate caused diseases. He is given great honor for his historical contribution on the relationship between climate and diseases affecting mankind (National Institute of Health). However, James Derham disappeared in 1802 and no available information about his fate. He his believed not to have had married by the time he disappeared (Kirschman). Due to his honor, the state of New Orleans established the James Derham middle school in 1960. Derham was and still is a hero of the American history.